
COVER REVEAL: Saving Me by Sadie Allen

by - giovedì, febbraio 01, 2018

Scrigno, oggi partecipiamo al cover reveal del nuovo romanzo di Sadie Allen dal titolo Saving Me.

TITOLO: Saving Me

AUTORE: Sadie Allen 


 GENERE:  New Adult, Contemporary

On the outside, I look like the All-American teenage dream. I’m pretty, popular, and athletic. I have the right family, the right boyfriend, the right kind of friends. If you only knew… Every day I die a little on the inside. I’m drowning in everyone’s expectations and opinions. I can never be myself. I’m never free. I feel the weight of it all pulling me under. If I can’t find freedom in life… I guess I’ll find it in death.

About Sadie Allen

Sadie Allen lives in Texas with her husband and three small children. When she’s not writing, she’s reading, catching up on her favorite shows, or chasing her family around the house. 

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